In light of all that has happened the past 48 hours I have to question if it is easier on me because I am closer to You.
My husband and I had a dear friend killed in a car accident by another friend who is in critical condition at the hospital. Yes, they were driving extremely fast while drinking. We have spoken on the phone to several people we are also friends with comforting and consulting. Here is what I have found.... Those people that know You, seem to be taking this in stride. We all comfort each other but are comforted in Your love. We know whether they were drinking or sober, driving fast or slow, if You wanted to take them You will and did.
To all the people that deny you or have never known of your love and grace, they suffer. They seem to take this harder than anyone else.
Is it You? Is it You that keeps us non-fearful of death? We know that there is a place way beyond earth that is luxurious and perfect. We know of your love and comfort. With You we are strong enough to lead those without your comfort to a place of joy. Thank you.
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